If you know someone is a current registered member of a native american tribe can you trace their portion of family history through there?

My son’s father is from the Pawnee tribe (turtle clan) and I know he is registered and I know his date of birth. Is it possible to trace his family members that are also registered so that I can add them to my son’s family tree?

One thought on “If you know someone is a current registered member of a native american tribe can you trace their portion of family history through there?”

  1. If you have the name of someone listed on the Dawes Rolls, they often have family members listed as well. If you find the right family, you can order the Dawes Packet which would contain more information and possible interviews of family members. It is a way to start. If you are not Pawnee, then study all you can about the Pawnee, including treaties and migrations to give you an idea of where they lived, what they went through.

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