One thought on “I am seeking information about Anna Raunig born 1903 in Montana, Cascade County, Montana”

  1. Hi Rick,

    Anna is the daughter of Alvis and Mary Raunig of Stockett, Cascade, Montana. You can find her in the 1910 census result:

    If you have an Ancestry membersip:

    If you don’t (give this time to load)

    You will notice that further down the page there is a Wolfgang and Anna Raunig. Both Wolfgang and Alvis are from what was called Austria-Germany back then, but we know it as Austria.

    You can also find this family in the 1920 census here:

    If you have an Ancestry membersip:

    While the 1920 census images are not yet online for free, you can access a 1920 transcription here for free:

    Note that in the 1920 census you also find in the household of Wolfgang Raunig, an Urban and Mary Raunig who are likely the parents of Wolfgang and possibly Alvis. If you can access the census image referenced above at Ancestry, you will see this, if not, you can access a separate transcription here for this family unit:

    You can also find the first two marriage records (images) of Anna for free:

    Marriage to Michael F. Rebar

    Marriage to Frank V. Mingle

    Hopefully the information and documents above are somewhat new to you. Looks like now, you need to concentrate on finding out what you can about Urban and Mary Raunig and Alvis and Mary Raunig!


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